McLeansville First Baptist Church was founded in the year 1914, when a small group of Baptists migrated from Caswell County to Guilford County. The first worship services were held in an abandoned organ factory in the township of McLeansville, with Reverend J. Arthur Bigelow as acting pastor. The church became affiliated with the High Point Baptist Association and in later years joined the Cedar Grove Baptist Association.
Reverend J. Wesley Wiley was the first pastor. McLeansville First Baptist Church pastors were: Rev. Henry C. Harrison, Rev. Charlie McBroom, Rev. Samuel Badgett, Rev. Fred D. Fuller, Rev. Spencer Woods, Rev. J.W. Siddle, Rev. Robert McLaughlin, and Rev. Earl D. Reams. The late Rev. Albert Graves served as Assistant Pastor during Rev. Siddle’s pastorate. In 1994 the Lord blessed us with a Pastor who had a vision and who preaches and teaches with great empowerment from the inspiration of God by the name of Reverend Joseph L. Wilson. Pastor Wilson has established several new ministries while leading his congregation to a path of rightful leadership, some of the ministries that he has established are: Prayer Ministry, Marriage Ministry, Youth Ministry, Youth Church, Praise and Worship Ministry, Evangelism Outreach Ministry which helps feed the needy, Orientation class for new members, Women of Faith (Wailing Women),a Women’s Book Club, he has also upgraded the Media Ministry, Noon day Bible Study, and a mentorship Ministry (Boys to Men) for our young men and also the young men in the community, he also brings in other leaders to teach his leaders and congregation through various workshops and conferences. Pastor Wilson has adopted a God inspired Ministerial staff under his leadership which includes Minister James Williamson, First Lady Minister Angela Wilson and Minister George Daye.
The McLeansville First Baptist Church family is glad to be a part of the family of God, washed in the blood of the Lamb, and set apart to advance his kingdom on earth. We praise God for another year, another milestone in his service.